Location: Glen Burnie, MD
Rating: 2.9/5
Caption: There is a methadone clinic nearby. Somehow, I don”t think this guy goes there.
Description: This post is a nod to the new Brookings Institute study which observes that there are now more people in the United States living in poverty in the suburbs than in the cities of America. Baltimore is no exception, and it’s hard to imagine but if the Corner were filmed today it is statistically more likely to be set off Merritt Boulevard than West Fayette.
This guy is part of that movement. Like the generation of white people fleeing integration around the time he was born he too is fleeing the city for greener pastures, looser policing, and being closer to the source of his product now that even the successful drug dealers have moved out of the city.
God bless, and as a city resident I am so happy to finally be able to share the blessing of zombies with the counties so that they can once again flee from their problems like little bitches they are, running away with their floppy wrists and girly screams from people in different socioeconomic classes, only this time ironically back into the cities (or into the exurbs if you just can’t stand the idea of living near minorities).