Location: #8 Bus, Baltimore, MD
Rating: Honorable Mention
Description: This #8 bus line, or the Crazy Eight as it is affectionately called by the locals, was recently named the best retail on wheels by the city paper.
If you are like most Americans and view “retail” as the sale of legal products or services for legal tender you may be completely disappointed by this “retail on wheels” bullshit the city paper is selling. If instead you’re like me and read it as “this is a great place to pick up banged-up, aging hookers who will charge by the tooth, and low-grade blow (get it now… the crazy eight…)” then you’re probably closer to reality.
Unfortunately I’d feel like I was cheating rating this one because the angle of the shot leads to more questions than answers. Is he smacked out? Drunk? Tired? Just got his ass whooped by epic beard man? We may never know, but whatever the case this guy could really use a pick-me-up, and from my experience he’s on the right bus!