Location: Northern Parkway and Charles, Baltimore, MD
Rating: 3.7/5
Description: I was driving with my less-than-city-knowledgeable friend awhile back and they actually rolled down the window and before I had a chance to dope-slap them they handed one of those guys in the median some money. Let me take this moment to educate my readers who may not live in an urban environment on why this was a bad move.
When you see a junkie standing in the median with a sign DO NOT give them money! There is a well worn path between a junkie with a cardboard sign and the dealer not two blocks away who they will be handing your cash to. I have had the pleasure of witnessing junkies take crack-pipe smoking breaks between idiots handing them cash off of MLK. While many drivers surely felt they were doing good by providing money to the homeless, all you are really doing is providing a 3rd or 4th high of the day for an addict. If you feel compelled to give money, give it to a 501c3, not a stranger holding cardboard.
Of course ever since I started this blog I give to every one of these cardboard bandits, but that’s just my way of stocking the pond. In this submission my efforts have paid back big time, with not only a fairly decent photo of a wacked-out ex-stripper who finally decided to take up her real passion in life as a full time job. I might be wrong about giving up stripping, and I really hope I am because the thought of one day getting a zombie-lean lap dance makes life worth living.